Living a Life of Service: Embracing God’s Presence in Daily Tasks

What does it mean to serve god? You know, often as Christians, when we think about this service towards god, we can always just attribute it to things within the church. But the problem is, if we just view that as our only service we do towards god, then it causes a separation in our daily lives. And so then we struggle to see how god is then part of the small menial things of our lives. That is why the Apostle Paul reminds us in 1st Corinthians, um, chapter 10, verse 31. Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of god. And so when we truly understand that, we see that serving god isn’t just a one off thing we do in a church building, but it becomes part of our lifestyle. We can see how in all things, we can give glory to god and do these things for him. And it shows us how God values the motives behind all the things we do. Because you could do a lot of great things, but if your motive is not to glorify God in those things, then it’s meaningless. But if you do things because you love God and you wanna glorify him, then it is worth so much more.