Misunderstood Gestures: A Lesson in Kindness and Boundaries

One of the things I realised with this job is that people aren’t really used to people just being nice to them. So the other day I’m at my hotel and I went downstairs to get some food and I jump on the elevator. And as I’m getting off, this guy’s about to get on and he says good night. And I respond, you know, good night, cause my full on my ass. Yeah. And as he passes me, I smell his Cologne. And I’m like, sir, Cologne smell nice. I don’t hear a response, but I’m not really thinking anything of it. So I hear the elevator door close, but I hear footsteps behind me. And I’m like, that’s weird, cause I didn’t see anybody else when I was getting off. So at the end of the hall it has like a mirror. So I kind of shift now to see what’s going on behind me. And it’s him. So he sees that I see him now and he’s like, what room are you in, baby girl? What do you mean? Like, what do you mean, what kind? I was so thrown up, but I was scared anyways. I’m like, none of your business, man. I try some defensive or aggressive, you know, and he’s like, you can smell me all night, baby, don’t worry about it. Da da, da. And then he goes on to say, oh, you know what? Imma go downstairs and buy us some drinks. And I’ll bring it back up for us, baby. Who the hell are you? I hurry up and get into the room, lock the doors, turn off the lights. I’m just sitting on my quiet afraid. And I’m just like, this guy is sick. And then I was telling my co worker about it the next day, and then he’s going to say to me, say, yeah, you telling a guy that he smells good is equivalent to a guy telling a girl that she smells good. I’m not following. So, yeah, tell me. Say, if me go out and get a random person a compliment, I am opening the door to somebody following me to my yard, to my room, to my house. You’re crazy. And there’s another instance where I was on the plane and, you know, people are boarding, and I have a pleasant smile on my face, like, hi, welcome aboard. And if I make eye contact, I’m going to smile with you. So this guy is coming down the aisle to use the bathroom, right? And as he’s coming down, you know, I have like, hi. And then he’s like. And I’m like, hi. So he gets to the back and he’s like, why you smiling like that? I said, I said, what? Cause I was so thrown off by the question. I said, what? And he’s like, why you smiling at me like that? I said, I’m not really smiling at you, I’m. I Just have a pleasant smile on my face. It’s not really directed at you. He’s like, I know what you want. And then he goes into the bathroom, and I’m like, what the hell just happened? Anyways, I’m standing there, and as he gets out, he shows me his phone with the keypad on it. And I’m like, what am I supposed to do with that? Put your number in. I beg your pardon? I said, sir, please go to your seat, because I don’t know which breeze blow you over your Saturday, but. Minute in another mood, so just go on and see. And he’s like, oh, um. He knows exactly what girls want when they look at him like that. I know what you are. So what you are. But I know what you are. And we. Yeah, but anyways, I said all I like to say. Like, sometimes people are just nice, okay? Like, no hidden intention. They don’t want to bring drinks to their room, they don’t want your number, and they’re just literally nice. That’s. That’s all I have to say.