Sizzling Sujuk and Pepper Orzo: A Turkish Twist on a Flavorful One-Pan Meal

This is sujuk, which is a Turkish garlicky sausage. These are peppers. Which are peppers. I’m gonna make a 1 pan, sujuk and pepper. Also, for today’s sauciness, we’ve got shallots and garlic and pepper, which can all be chuffily robbed as it’s gonna get blitzed. The skin of the sujuk is a bit plasticky and my mum won’t let me eat plastic anymore. If you don’t have access to sujuk, any harder sausage like chorizo would also be nice. I allowed the pan to warm the sujuk slowly to get it crispy and nice. I then removed the crisps, sausage cubes and set about sauteing the pepper and shallot in a lovely flavoursome bath, which I seasoned. In went the garlic with a splash more oil and then a touch of Thomas puree and a little water. This cooked off for a bit before being cast aside like yesterday’s quavers. I added the orzo and grated in a chicken stock cube and added really hot water. I cooked this a bit like a risotto with lots of stirring. The pepper sauce was blitzed together. When the orzo had absorbed the stock water, in went the vibrant peppery puree. I added half the sujuk, I added the urine of half a lemon. I then served it up with a little crumbled feta, crispy sausage bits that were left over and some olive oil. Filling, tasty and just what your gerbil will want for dinner tomorrow. If you’ve got a gerbil. That is. That is lovely. That’s chickity boom.