Blessings, Expansion, and Confidence: A Declaration for a New Month

As we get into this new week and this new month of September, allow me to declare fast chronicles 14 upon your life. May god bless you. May god expand your territory. May god be with you in every single thing that you do. May god keep you away from trouble and away from pain. Towards the end of that verse, the Bible says that god granted Jabez his request because this was Jabez’s request. But when we go up there to verse 9, the Bible says that Jabez was considered to be more honourable than his brothers. His mum had branded him pain, which is what Jabez means, because she had given birth to him in a very painful manner. Now, I don’t know what people have branded you. People have branded you a failure. People have said nothing good can come out of you. All those negative things that people have deposited in your mind, I want you to erase them and have the confidence that in due time, God is gonna make you very, very honourable among them. Alright, may God bless you. Have an amazing week and an amazing month ahead and uh, see you soon.