Last-Minute Hozier Concert Adventure: From Ticket Panic to Rock Stashes and Unforgettable Moments

Guys, I just got a hold of Hozier tickets. Literally, the concert has already started. It’s an hour away in Salt Lake City, but we are going right now. We are going. There was a moment where I accepted my fate that I wouldn’t be able to go. But I just can’t not go. I can’t not go. Okay, so there’s a couple things about the concert. Number one, it started at like 7:30 or 8, and it’s 8:30, and I won’t get there till 9 9. I’m hoping I won’t miss too much. Poser. No. 2, I just put six dollars and forty nine cents in my gas tank because I cannot afford this concert. The ticket was 70 bucks and I messaged them, send a screenshot of my bank account with like $34 in it. And I said, please let me give you all my money. The concert has started. Like, please. And they said yes. I am extremely lucky. All I can say is that when I heard about this Hozier concert is last November, I said, no matter how much it cost, I’m going. It’s a blessing that I’m going. Um, so I’m on my way. I’m 40 minutes out. I’m stoked. I’m so excited. Oh, and the other thing, last time I bought a ticket on marketplace, they sent me an email with the ticket. This person’s just like, oh, it’s a paper ticket. Like, I have it and I’ll like, stash in some rocks. So sus So sus. But I’m just gonna pray that the ticket is in the rocks, okay? And if it’s not? I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. I’m excited and I’m so nervous. I got to the amphitheater, right? It’s going on right now. They said they stashed in these rocks and it was so sus. But they did. They literally. What are. I can’t get out. What are the odds? We’ve done it! We are in! Yes! We’re in! We’re in! Woohoo! When you wake up for the sunrise, oh, his concert, man, it was amazing. After the encore, he played unknown. Oh my gosh. And it was probably the best. The best thing I could have done. I’m so glad I did it. I got to keep my little promise to myself, which was really healing, to say the least. Ah, just closing out this little tiny vlog, saying I love you guys and saying that I will see you guys soon. Bye. Bye.