August Payday: Managing £7,815 Income, Budgeting for September, and Treating Loved Ones

so in August I got paid £7,815 pounds from two different jobs and I’ve given myself a 700 pound budget to last September I got a couple of comments saying that if you receive a larger amount of money you don’t need to budget guys everyone needs a budget even like billionaires I mean obviously the level of which they wouldn’t care about things would be like higher than you and I but anyways this is what my payday look like my sister had my baby for the morning and then my mum came to help her and I sent her out with a list on my card she’s so sweet and she went and bought me everything on my list uh I also told her to get herself a coffee and she bought me a coffee back and she bought the baby some sushi and then I was literally just working from home all day then she was so kind she let she stayed so I could have a bath we still need to do a food shop so it would have been rude not to get a payday takeaway I got roses tie I made some like chicken stuff for Nick and I also had to pay for her parking oh and I got paid out for TikTok but I put that in a TikTok savings account yeah another day another £70 gone