Wagon Full of Picture Frames: The Clear-Out Sale Saga

Part 4. We’ve only got five boxes left. They’re all sold. They’re all sold. We cleared the wagon 50 p 50 p ago, I’m telling you. You’re gonna wanna see them. We have. We cleared them. 50 p a box. How much were they? 5 p each. 5 p each we cleared. Wagon full. Tanya, it’s a wagon full, man. It’s a Luton wagon. Cleared it. Not gonna tell you there was anything else on it. 50 p a box. Couple of broken ones, probably. A box full of broken ones. We sold them to a chappy. 18 boxes. Just sold. 20 boxes to another chappy. And the other ones they managed to shift. Who doesn’t want a. Who doesn’t want a box of frames for 50 per ago? You ain’t gonna get him cheaper nowhere else. 50 p a box, but yes, that is a. Clear out. A wagon full of picture frames