Multigenre Music Enthusiast: Exploring Diverse Sounds and Sonic Similarities

Take an attendance. Where are all my people who like more than three genres of music fucking from, like, afro beats to reggaeton to even country sometimes, I’m not gonna lie. Like, some of them joints be hitting pop, like, you name it. Because at the end of the day, if it sounds good, it sounds good, you know? And I’ve noticed that in my taste, even though I like a lot of different genres, I think they kind of sound similar in a way. Like, a lot of the sonics and the vibes, very similar. I definitely like songs and certain keys. I don’t know, like, I’m not gonna get into all that, but for some reason, if it’s in a certain key, like a really specific one, I’ll be more inclined to like it. And even sometimes the genre doesn’t matter. I think it definitely translates when I’m making beats as well, because, honestly, I can kind of go from genre to genre and carry over some things that I’ve Learned in another style into another style. So, I mean, it’s helpful. I don’t know. Like, at the end of the day, I just like music.