Title: Mastering the Art of High-Level Business Operations

I think a lot of people have this idea right now that I’m just like a. I create content. I’m like, man, I wish that was the case. I spend maybe 3, 4 hours a month on content. The rest of the time, like, I run all of my businesses and it’s mind numbing. I wouldn’t say it’s even like the amount of hard work. It’s more like the complexity of switching, like switching from being in software mode to then being in physical product mode. Like building big day fucking gadget and all the logistics are going behind that. And so I look at that and I’m like, my head is spinning from managing all of this stuff. But there’s people who have like 50 companies. Yeah. And they manage everything. So I just think that’s a skill that I need to learn and how to be a high level operator. I know how to grow, manage, run eight multi eight figure companies, but managing a portfolio of like, companies that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, that’s not a skill I have yet and that’s a skill I need to develop.