Gluten-Free Chips Ahoy: A Taste Test Comparison with the Regular Version

regular Chips Ahoy versus gluten free Chips Ahoy to see if gluten free actually makes a difference never gotten gluten free items before but I’m actually curious if they taste different than the original we’re gonna start with the original looks like hmm yum every time I eat a Chips Ahoy cookie I’m reminded of how incredible they are for the gluten free Chips Ahoy whoa they’re thicker here is the size comparisons and the… Does gluten free taste different? hmm they’re a little softer are slightly softer than the original and honestly I think I like the flavour more on the gluten free than the regular I can’t quite pinpoint the difference between the two I kinda love it after comparing the gluten free Chips Ahoy to the regular do you think that they have a slightly different taste I honestly prefer the gluten free cookie over the regular should I buy gluten free all the time