Title: Desperate Plea for Help to Recover Lost Money: A Heartbreaking Testimony

Somebody has come with a note demanding my money under the interest. It’s true, Sasa. It is true, man of god. There’s a woman who came to us and said, your daughter has never been married. Let me help her and take her to the U. K. I went and borrowed 300,000 Kenya shillings and we gave the lady, but the lady went away with the money. Man of god, please help me only to recover that money because the woman went away. Man of god, I, I confirmed the prophecy to be true. I’m still in anguish, agony. I do cry now and then. But that’s where you bought the money. Did you pay? No, we haven’t paid. Office, give me 500,000 Kenya shilling. الله اكبر belong to you Jesus my Hallelujah belong Maafin Maafin 100 200 300 400 500 thank you Jesus thank you man of God I’m very much humbled we are very much humbled may God bless you may God bless your ministry