Bargaining Tales: The Art of Reasonable Offers in Online Marketplace Negotiations

here we go again another offer this is 100 and sixty dollar MSRP shirt Peter Millar we’ve got it listed for 59 99 let’s talk about reasonable offers maybe reasonable offer I’d come in like 40 bucks so you can you know negotiate back and forth that’s what I’d consider reasonable to start with no not this person twenty dollars yep I wanna give you this hundred and sixty dollar shirt brand new attacks for twenty bucks come on down like what the I I don’t even get it let’s be realistic people realistic offers are gonna win not this twenty dollar stuff speaking of realistic over on posh somebody put together a bundle 70 bucks let’s go they offered 40 I came back at 60 heck of a deal on this stuff they countered back at 50 to which I said eh let’s go with 57 and guess what they accepted at 57 and if you do some quick math 70 and 40 and you divide it by two it’s 55 we’re pretty much all right in the middle of where we met between my initial offer and their initial offer that’s all I’m asking just be reasonable