Misrepresentation and Accountability: The Importance of Honest Discourse in Content Creation

I made this video because Nick deleted my comments pointing out the hey, if I deleted that comment, how am I responding to it right now? This is a PSA for everyone who’s willing to listen. I don’t delete comments unless they’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, or anything harmful in that nature. Comments right here. If you left another one, I haven’t seen it. Chances are maybe you deleted it, maybe somebody reported it, maybe the app deleted it. I don’t know. But your two comments that I saw are still here. But by the way, your comment was not exactly relevant to the thing that you thought you were responding to. In my video I showed that Rathbone literally changed what I said by removing a portion of my video to make it sound like I supported Israel’s defense. But I made it very clear in that video that I do not support sending Israel weapons. He changed my words to make it look like I did, and said to his audience that I did. And your response here was I can make this to make you say anything that I want, right? We all could. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do something. Also, this isn’t middle school pee wee Herman BS. He’s trying to make it look like I am supporting the G word. You see how that’s bad, right? You see why we shouldn’t put up with that? I’m not saying that Nobody else can do it. I’m saying that he chose to, and that’s not a good thing for someone to do. But since you’re accusing me of deleting comments and you haven’t actually checked to make sure that that comment is still there, it seems like you don’t really care about those kinds of morals either. By the way, in that video you criticize only having fundraisers for individual families. Did you forget or intentionally ignore that? In that video I also showed a fundraiser that raised $137,000. And this isn’t just for one individual family. This is for all of them. You know, just like you said what what you did. This isn’t a one and done situation, is it? If you do one fundraiser, that doesn’t mean that you don’t get to do more. You get one family out, that doesn’t mean there aren’t more families. You keep going. That’s the reason why I showed his bio. Maybe he did it in the past, but he’s not doing it now. This isn’t patting myself on the back. It’s holding other content creators accountable so they can continue to do the work that they need to do in order to help people. Something which it seems like from your video you should be agreeing with. This is another example of either twisting my words or deliberately omitting information to prove your point. Also, I’m doing you the favor of tagging your video so that way my followers can actually Go watch to make sure that I’m not twisting any words. But now everybody can go see who said what and make their own opinion.