Review: Zero Pore Pad 2.0 by Medicube | The Best Toner Pads for Blackheads, Whiteheads, and Large Pores

Over 6 million of these toner pads were sold, and honestly for a freaking good reason, because these are probably one of the best toner pads I’ve ever freaking used. This one’s by medicube. It’s called the Zero Pore Pad 2.0. This helps out a lot if you have blackheads, whiteheads, excess production of sebum in large pores, even, like, just uneven skin texture in general. I freaking love these. You get like 70 in this big jar, and they’re only 19 bucks. I. Fuck. If I did the math, that’s probably like, I think 27 or 28 cents per freaking pad. And on top of that, it’s so freaking hygienic. Like, you get. You literally get these, like, really cute little tongues you can, like, just grip out your toner pads with. And you even get this extra lid to put on top of your toner pads. Just go ahead and, like, grab your toner pads just like this. And you have two different sides to it. Have your smooth side, and then you also have your textured side, which is this side right here. You want to use the textured side first, and then you want to just go ahead and, like, smooth your face over with the smooth side, and you can even just, like, Pat in the excess. But literally freaking love these. I’m gonna have these ones pinned down below, but these are just freaking fire. Love these.