The Voicemail Adventures with Tom Brokaw: Finding the Perfect Oomph

Okay, Mr. Brokaw, let’s just do this promo, and then we’re out of here. Thank god. Whenever you’re ready. This evening on N B C. Nightly News, we’ll take a look at how the national deficit will impact upon the wealthiest 1%. The fleecing of America. A new study that links dyslexia to male pattern baldness. Uh, Mr. Brokaw, it sounded like you stumbled a little bit on wealthiest. Do you wanna try that again? Absolutely not. Oh. Oh, okay. We’re done. Hey, Tom, um, I don’t wanna bother you, but could I just ask you something? Okay. Well, Sydney, I do have a dinner engagement, but I can always spare a couple of seconds for the girl who keeps me looking prettier than Dan. Rather. Okay, well, here’s the thing. I’ve had the same outgoing message on my voicemail for a long time, and I wanted to sort of spice it up a bit. And. And I thought it would be really fun if you recorded my message. Okay, Cindy, I’m really pressed for time right now. It’ll only take a second. Really? I brought my handheld tape recorder, and all you gotta do is read it from this. Okay? Okay, go. Good evening. I’m Tom Brokaw in local news. Cynthia is not in. However, authorities insist that if you leave your name, number and a short message, Cynthia will return your call. We’re on this important story at eleven. That’s a funny script, Cynthia. Thanks. Um, that was Good, but not great. Maybe you should, like, try it again. Cynthia, I am really pressed for time. Just really quick, please. Come on. Do it like you do a breaking news story, huh? Okay, fine. Okay, go. Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw in local news. Cynthia is not in. However, authorities insist that if you leave your name, number and a short message, Cynthia will return your call. More on this important story at eleven. Okay, um, I see what you were going for there, but treat it like a more important story. You know, like a hospital fire. A hospital fire? Yeah, a hospital fire, but, like, have fun with it, you know? A hospital fire, but fun. Yeah, have fun. Okay. Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw on local news. Cynthia is not in. However. Okay, look, look, look, look, look. You’re not understanding me. I think you’re getting caught up with the whole hospital fire thing. How about make it more intense? Okay? I thought that was pretty intense. Yeah, I’m sure to you it seemed intense, but you’re not hearing you. I’m hearing you. And it really needs, like, some extra, you know, oomph. Oomph? Yeah, you’re looking for oomph? Yeah, like, give it some oomph. Okay, Cynthia, I am late for dinner with Deepak Chopra. Tom, look, I promise this is the last time. Okay, fine. Here goes. With a little more oomph. Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw in local news. Cynthia is not in. However, authorities insist that if you leave your name, number and a short message, Cynthia will return your card. Damn it! You said card. I know, I know. Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw on local news. Cynthia is not in. Okay, you’re rushing. You’re rushing. Why are you doing that? Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw on local news. You’re too angry. Good evening, I’m Tom Brokaw. Now you sound like you’re gay. What the hell do you want from me? I’m trying to do you a favor, you idiot. You’re completely out of your mind. And by the way, the 11 o’clock news is local. And I’m Tom Brokaw, and Brokaw don’t do local. Great. What you’re doing right now. Right now is perfect. Put it into the script. Go, go! Good evening, I’m Tom broke. God! In local news, Cynthia is not in. However, authorities insist that if you leave your name, number and a short message, Cynthia will return your call. More on this important story at 11, which is a freaking local news. You know what? That was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, there’s no tape in this thing, so just wait right here. I’ll be back in 30 minutes, but keep that energy. Was great. Was great.