From Tourist Disappointments to Local Delights: Cities that are More Interesting to Live in than to Visit

let’s say it louder for the ppl in the back because I wholeheartedly believe that some cities are way more interesting to live in and super boring to visit and let me tell you which ones I think they are number one my hometown Los Angeles every time people tell me that they visited LA they’re like oh my god I didn’t like this I didn’t like that I’m like yeah I don’t really think it’s built for a tourist like in some way like there’s some things and it works out but like living in Los Angeles to me I felt like was amazing growing up there top tier I was so happy there was so much to do all the time imagine living someplace and there’s always something cool and interesting to do I loved it there so much one of those Bogota Colombia everybody loves to skip Bogota I personally like Bogota because I could recognize it’s a place that is so cool to live in all the amazing restaurants Guys their cafe culture so cute so many cool restaurants like for a visit it’s like okay you got three or four days but like if you’re living there that is so much fun to have new places to visit all the time all these museums like bookstores all these cute things such a cool place to live and I would I would guess same thing goes for São Paulo like I think visiting can be kinda overwhelming because it’s massive but imagine having your entire life to just visit and explore like oh my god that sounds like a dream to me yes and finally Oslo Norway okay I went there and I was like this place is so beyond boring oh my god and then I looked around and saw all the cute little Norwegians just like living life and I’m like oh my god I bet they’re having the best time living here like genuinely probably seem like a fun place to live but like visiting for me had nothing but like for people that live there I bet it’s really special