Selling Flip 6: A Limited Time Offer with Freebies Included!

I’m selling Flip 6 and Flip 6. Okay, so will you buy? I already have. I know you have but you can buy from me. It’s not not too much. You have the Flip Abby? Yeah, I have two. You have the flip fantastic. Now you can buy food. Alright, how much you can buy food? So I’m selling 12 e 2 5 6 4 2.795 million and I’m yes, and then 5 12 people for 2.97 and then if you now buy 1 terabyte full speed so that your speed doesn’t run out 3.3 million and if you buy from me I will give you free as a matter of fact, then if you buy from me after I give you the free me myself, I use my money to buy whatever for you. If you buy from me from now now now if you buy from me now now now now now now offer lasts only the next 15 minutes. Yeah. Bye. Yeah. Bye. Are you sure? Yeah, I’m sure I’m not. I don’t trust that smile.