Title: Financial Confessions: A Deep Dive Into Overspending and Self-Reflection

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Savings down from $2,018. That was the spending of a child you didn’t have to borrow cause you didn’t have money. You spend all your money. You make more than the median person in your city and you spend it. So what the can I do? Cause you don’t care. You’re going and spending everything. I mean, I need to have more self control, clearly. Oh, well, in the moment, it feels like purchases that are necessary. $725 going out to eat. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I don’t have an excuse for that. $839 and miscellaneous bullshit things that really don’t improve your life. Is to stop. And swiping subscriptions. I guess those are like the little things that add up. And I don’t realize that they add up until my bank account. Yeah. Thousand eight hundred dollars combined together, right? Or thousand six hundred dollars. I can’t. I can’t even believe it’s that much. I mean, I figured that a lot of it was gonna be on going out to eat, but I didn’t know it was gonna be like that. And then lots of Walmart, lots of Amazon, lots of Target, Walgreens, CVS. You never really know what they are. You can get anything from those places, both for needs.