Navigating Peaks and Valleys: Reflections on a Year of Contrasts

this is really special I wanna say that I find it interesting that this has been one of like the best years of my career and like the worst of my life um I’m not saying that for somebody I’m just saying that because I feel like a lot of people would look at someone um in my position right now I guess like only year an artist that could be at her peak like reaching her you know whatever and think she’s really got her shit together you know like she’s really on it like she’s got it all and um I do but I as far as my personal life goes I really have no idea what the fuck I’m doing so um so yeah aha it’s been a very conflicting one and um I just wanna say that um if you’re someone out there who has no idea what this next chapter’s gonna bring you’re not alone in that and um Ew I’m not gonna cry this is stupid I’m sorry I just pull back just stop that immediately that’s annoying I’m not gonna cry that’s really annoying Ew um that’s really gross I’m not gonna do that um no but yeah you’re not alone in that and um I’m really looking forward to embracing whatever happens and whatever comes my way um really grateful for my friends and family I love you guys so much really grateful for music I’m so grateful for Victoria Monet and Taylor Parks you guys are here tonight you’re so incredible um I’m so grateful we got to make this next album together um and have some of the most fun times in my life in the studio I wouldn’t have made it through this like last chapter without you guys really looking forward to hearing you really fast forward to hopefully learn to give some of the love and forgiveness that I’ve given away so frivolously and easily to men in the past to myself hopefully this year and um yeah I have everything I’ve ever dreamt of having and as of late I’ve discovered that it’s the things I’ve always had and the people I’ve always had that still make me the happiest so thank you so much this is really cool you guys