Undeclared Goods Alert: Revealing the Unfortunate Consequences of Not Declaring Pork Products

We got an alert from the dog lane. Dog sat next to a passenger’s bag. So it’s most likely that they have undeclared goods. You know, all the contents inside of your bags? Some stuff that my mum asked me to put in my bag. Okay. Do you know what your mum put in your bag? Yeah. Yeah. It seems they might know they have something they should have declared about my lunch. Please. You got your lunch in here? I bought some food. The passengers now admit they have food in their bags and straight away they pull out a bag of pork crackling. I’m a beauty queen. I, I bought that in the airport. You bought it in the airport? Yeah, in the Philippines. Which one did you buy in the airport? The pork and the, the sweet. The pork and the sweet, yeah. Okay, then I can label on the plane. Are both these ones yours? Yes. And they’re both pork? Yes. Okay. Pork products are a major threat for foot and mouth disease and African swine fever and must always be declared. It’s really important for people to declare cause, you know, we’re trying to protect Australia. We’re trying to stop diseases from coming into Australia, and, you know, even the smallest thing, it might affect our economy. But this passenger thinks a little flirting might help this situation. Should I? I did the nice one. Pink eyelashes. The pink eyelashes for the show. Unfortunately not. What kind of comment is that