ASMR Rain, Homemade Mac and Cheese, and a Disturbing Movie Night: A Debrief on Blink Twice

Hey, we have a day before Labor Day play. It literally started down pouring right as I went to hit record. So I came in this room for it to be quieter, like, no background noise. But now we have ASMR rain sounds. Mm. More Mac and cheese today, but homemade. Hmm. There’s a Turkey wing in here, so let’s freaking debrief on blink twice. Bruce always makes these so spicy. Yums. So, like, halfway through the movie, I was still confused. I was like, what the hell is going on? And I literally said out loud, like, what is happening? And then shit started happening. And there was a legitimate trigger warning in the before the movie started. Like, it wasn’t just rated R because of this. There was a literal trigger warning on the screen before the movie started. That movie is so disturbing in my opinion. I don’t know who would ever want to watch that more than once. And Bruce and I talked about it afterwards cause he was so disturbed and. Hmm. He said the underlying concept, like, the concept of the story was good, but the way that they decided to move forward with the story was insane. So I don’t know. I personally really like, like, weird movies. Anytime I pick something to watch, Bruce is always like, what the hell are we watching? Like, you watch the weirdest things. But I like, like, weird thriller movies where you’re, like, confused. I don’t know. I don’t think. I don’t think Bruce or I would see it again. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Hmm. But like, halfway through the movie, when I was still confused, like I said, I just. I knew, or I thought to myself, there’s no way Bruce likes this. And he, um, was talking to his friend afterwards on the phone, and he said, if I wasn’t with Bella, I would have left. So he was definitely not into it. But, um, he is pretty sensitive when it comes to that stuff, which is good. Like, I personally feel like everyone should have the same. The same reaction to that movie, because what happens in that movie is disturbing. It is insane. But, like, after I see that, I can still move on and have a great night. And he will just be, like, constantly thinking about that movie and what happened and how disturbing it is. I know. I wish. Honestly, I should just crisp up the skin so that I can eat it, cause I really don’t like it soggy.