September Self Care Challenge: 7 Minutes a Day for a Healthier You

How much time do you devote daily to self care? I’m not just talking about bubble baths, naps and face masks. I’m talking about self care in the form of exercise. If your answer is not a lot, I invite you to join my challenge this month. It’s September Self Care Month at Justin Augustin Fitness. I’m dedicating this entire month to self care with a special challenge to help you prioritize your well being. Seven days a week, seven exercises a day for seven minutes long, all dedicated to self care. Every day, I will guide you through seven gentle yet powerful exercises. We’re diving into my 7 essential S’s in fitness, strength, stamina, stability, steps, stretching, sculpting and sweating. I’m so excited for you to join. Please take this opportunity to prioritize yourself. You are important, too. And if you’re not a member yet, it’s so easy to join. Just go to justinagustin. Com, choose a plan that works for you and then dive right in. Don’t forget to download the Justinagustin Fitness app so you can play my videos on your mobile, on your smart TV, on your browser, wherever you feel most comfortable watching and exercising. Let’s do this this September. Let’s keep the consistency going. You’re doing absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to see you there. You totally got this.