Battling Impersonation and Extortion Online: A Guide to Protecting Your Identity with DeleteMe

I had a couple people reach out to me saying they’re being impersonated and extortedfor it sometimes on theinternet you’re guilty for the things youdidn’t even do but someone pretending to be you did sometimes it’ll lookreally convincing because scammersand fraudsters will pull yourinformation off theinternet from data brokersand places like TruePeople Finder and I did this toa buddy of mine recently who hasmillions of followers and I found hissensitive information he nearlyshat himself now my buddy’sinformation’s down and if youwanna do it but not go throughevery website website you canuse DeleteMe they’re a fast easyway to do it and they search awhole bunch of places you might not haveeven thought of DeleteMeremoves a lot of information likehome address Social Securitynumber information aboutyour relatives in a whole slewof personal data I’ve used andpartnered with DeleteMebefore if you want20% off use codeRYANKELLY it helpsme a ton I’m so thankfulthat they sponsorthese videos so that I cancontinue to hunt scammers andfraudsters retroactively while they continueto protect peopleproactively have agreat day!