Unleashing Elemental Power: A Sorcerer’s Creativity in Dungeons and Dragons Combat

welcome to the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons thanks I’m excited to find out what this game is like so right now we’re in combat with sahaugin they’re emerging from the lake and they’re attacking you it’s your turn what do you do it says here I can move or freeze five cubic feet of water I see what you’re doing here my sorcerer friend uh that’s shape water you can’t freeze water that a creature occupies oh good to know but I’m not I’m gonna move that much water over one of their heads and then use this quickened spell thing to freeze it hey creative okay we’ll do a little Dex save and nope ice drops on his head dope how dead is he well not very it’s like 1 d six points of bludgeoning damage that’s it? yeah it’s just ice yeah 7,000 pounds of it I beg your sweet fcking pardon five cubic feet of ice yeah dude that weighs a lot that’s like dropping a Ford Transit on someone’s head oh okay I mean I’m destimating here but I think that’s around 20 d six points of damage wow you can just do that in this game sick wonder what else you could do okay yeah so that happens then the dragon attacks