Maximizing Functional Fitness: Free Weights vs. Machines Debate

Listen fam, get your ass off all them fucking machines and head your ass over to by the free weights and actually get your body moving. That’s what’s gonna improve your overall functionality. So that way you not only look good, but you actually perform good outside of the fucking gym. Now before all the clown ass fitness gurus come for me start hollering about oh machines is great. I’m not saying to not fucking do machines, but what I am saying is that the priority needs to be free weighted movements if you’re trying to have a better quality of life outside of the gym. Because it’s not just about having show muscles, that’s bodybuilding shit. Not all bodybuilders, but 95% of them motherfuckers. You wanna have gold muscles? Muscles that can actually fucking perform. The research doesn’t agree with what he’s saying on two different fronts here. Now this is just a review, but it makes a lot of sense. Is there any non functional training? The main results were there is no agreement about a universal definition for functional training. Functional training programs aim at developing the same benefits already induced by traditional training programs. Guess what? It’s because all training is functional. And as for the free weights versus machine debate, we have this 2023 systematic review and meta analysis. And what did they find? No differences in free weight or machine based strength training induced changes when measured in the same exercise modality as their Training no differences in strength, jump performance, or muscle hypertrophy. They did find the strength change was specific, so train with whatever you want to get strongest in. When it comes to the average person, any sort of training that they’re doing in the gym is going to result in a better quality of life. This black and white machines versus free weights debate has to stop, especially for the average person. One of his main arguments that I had to cut out because his video was so long was that you should train with free weights and standing up because it’s better for your core. Well what if you use the machine that did the exact same thing and loaded in the same way as a free weight exercise? There are machines like that. So this argument the free weights are better than machines just doesn’t hold up. Your body does not know what you’re using. Hope that helps, and as always, make sure to like and follow for more efficient training tips.