Title: Understanding Growth Equity and Buyouts: A Guide to Investing in High-Growth Companies

For those who don’t know, can you kind of help differentiate growth versus kind of just typical buyout? So growth equity tends to be defined differently, again based on what firm that you’re at. You have various different models that go from late stage venture, more minority investments that you’re making in really high growth companies to, um, control positions that you’re taking that look a little bit more like a buyout. But again, the common characteristic across those is you’re looking at companies that are high growth, so you’re looking at supporting them through an inflection point in their trajectory. You’re oftentimes looking at 25, 30% growth and you’re thinking about how you can participate in some of the tailwinds in an industry that you’re excited about, but in also a company that’s differentially positioned to take advantage of those. So it comes down to combination of, uh, investing in and conviction behind the momentum of the company and also, um, the industries that you’re excited to get an exposure to.