Betrayed: A Tale of Deceit and Revenge

Y’all, I hadn’t even go through my phone while I was sleeping. In the end, he had the audacity to wake me up out of my sleep because he didn’t like what he’s saying. Story time about how guy caught you. All right. So I had only been dating this boy for like a month. And prior to him going through my phone, I had ended up the night at his house one day and I had woke up early and when I woke up, something was just telling me like, girl, grab his phone and go through it. Like, just search them up.

Not only was he texting his eggs, he was telling that hell . Like he don’t really with me. He just with me cuz she won’t with him. Draw a type. So real . So I see that and y’all already know that was a whole ordeal so fast for a week later, I end up back over this house. And don’t judge me in the comments because I don’t give a foot. I’m not with him no more. I already know I was on some stupid type out of. I don’t think. I don’t care anyways, a week later, I’m back over in his house. I’m sleeping and I wake up to this like, yo, Bill, what the is this? Who the is this? Y’all doesn’t get. Had my phone in hand showing me messages between me and my ex. When I tell you all, my mouth could have fell to the flow. So I’m planning it off. Whatever. I’m like, well, I was only texting my ex because you were texting your egg. And he like, no, these messages is before you even know about that . So I’m still playing it. I’ll still plant it all y’all. I even had my friend come tell him like, no, she wasn’t texting him before she knew about old girl like she now she know you like it. Show father how time I was really on the same five time he was. I just refuse to be in the wrong. So me and him still going back and forth. And it was like the more upset he got, the more sillier I got. And y’all gotta come back for part two.