Comparing Earnings: YouTube vs. TikTok – A Dive into Creator Revenue Growth

YouTube and TikTok may seem like they’re the same for creators to post on but they’re most definitely not these are my earnings in the last year in YouTube and just in the last six months on TikTok I’ve earned £32,000 so it’s a lot more than YouTube so it makes you think that okay it’s not worth doing YouTube but if you just look a bit closer you realise that the long term benefits of this are way higher than TikTok look December 2023 I was making about ten pounds a day on YouTube we had a small spike here and then it just kind of settled back to the baseline when I was getting to grips with what kind of content to post but now after the next peak when things went up a bit more it’s gone from £10 a day to £24 a day increased by 150% almost then after the next peak it’s gone up to 63 pounds per day then 125 after the last peak and all of this exponential growth is within six months TikTok or YouTube?