Navigating Recovery: A Journey Towards Healing and Homecoming

alright so here’s where things are at CT scan this morning showed um still had some inflammation but no abscess so that’s a win no IR drainage of anything no surgery needed um awesome right so the wind there uh the question became well do we go home on oral antibiotics or should I continue some IV antibiotics um the surgeon was like you’d probably be okay with with oral and the hospitalist was like well I think I would do IV and and I was like when I was looking at the CT image I was like there still seems like there’s a lot of inflammation there so let’s we’ll go home on IV antibiotics um the the hard thing was is getting the case management and all that stuff set up with the home health with the the pharmacy and and that kind of stuff all arranged on a holiday weekend um but um it it looks like all that’s gonna be able to be arranged um so next step will be I’m gonna get a midline uh so that I can administer the medication at home uh for the next uh I think five days and uh try and knock it out the rest of the way and then we’ll continue oral antibiotics for uh I think a week or two after that also so um that’s kind of where things are at uh I think the nurse right now is gonna get get the uh pickline nurse here and we’ll get a midline put in and um and then hopefully hopefully discharge after that the the lunch was awesome so ha ha stoked on that and my stomach was a little bit like kinda gurgly and crampy afterwards but I think my bowels just trying to get turned back on um after being on NPO and then fluids for for the last 3 days so um yeah things are kinda starting to go the right direction and then we’re gonna have to look at uh the diet uh diet stuff at home so for the next couple of weeks is gonna be um uh low uh a low residue uh well why am I not thinking low residual diet for the next uh couple of couple of weeks and then we’ll have to get on some fiber supplements to to keep things the way they’re supposed to be so we’ll see how it all goes but stoked to get out of here and and I just want to be home so can’t wait catch you later you I guess I just wanna add to um and super grateful for the case management people too like I know they have a lot going on um and like on a holiday weekend uh they you know they’re pulling this stuff together and and just kind of making it all happen which and that’s super cool it’s kind of things you don’t think about all the time uh with this kind of thing and and uh so it’s continuing to add in my perspective which I do wanna do a post about that as well because I had somebody asked if this experience for me was gonna change anything in my anesthetic care so I’ll have to uh do a do a post dedicated to that thought as well because there are some things that I thought about definitely um so anyways that was uh something else that I was wanting to add catch you later