The Boys Trip: Homemade Meals and Good Times

Here’s to travel trip No.. 4! I call this the boys trip because my husband and his Marine buddies are heading up north. So I began with chicken breast. I got them from SAD wholesale. Of course I saved money. They’re like 3:50 to 3 99 a pound, and I get the small size. I was gonna make shish tawook, but call it shish tawook if you want. I just didn’t feel like cutting it. Then I prepared hummus literally from scratch. The beans were dry and then they became juicy. Yeah, I’ll write that down below. I also froze the extra chickpea. Now honey, I even made a pot of grape leaves. My mom would be so proud. Okay, I get those from the local grocery store. No one’s gonna know anyways. I also prepared this tabouli pasta salad. It was genius. I basically prepared tabouli without the cracked wheat, and then I added pasta. It’s genius. I packaged everything up. You might not see me package everything, but later that night before I went to sleep, I also prepared them a pasta dish. Yes! I made those meatballs myself. And then the day of, I prepared a veggie tray. I packaged everything in their coolers, and I tried to separate everything according to food and safety rules. Placing all the uncooked meat in its own cooler and or putting anything that could contaminate the food in a separate cooler. I also use the coolers on the boat and Yeah. When are we gonna have a girls weekend