Adventures of a Mom and Son on Their First Trip to Thailand: From Airport Lounges to In-Flight Treats

hi guys travel with us too Thailand it’s our first mom and son trip so it’s a special one roads are empty because it’s 3 in the morning this is my smart watch it has a light here just like the phone reached the airport checked in our bags Azlan’s favourite thing in the airport is going in the train this is super duper high let’s do some airport shopping and it’s summer travel so of course we had to do the jumping over the camera trend which we posted earlier it’s gonna be a long flight ahead so we didn’t want to exhaust us at this hour anymore and we straight headed towards the lounge we got a little lost and wasted a bunch of time but then finally found the lounge let’s go there and get something now obviously none of us wanted fruits we are on holiday these were the mains but it was too early for any of this let’s take a sausage let’s take a chocolate croissant they also had waffles pancakes scrambled eggs with toast and then this whole bakery section okay one more I don’t want pineapples tastes sour we tried out a few things they were like a 7 out of 10 then we took some pictures and suddenly they announced it was final call and then we had to run I was low key freaking out because we would have missed our main flight which is not this one if we missed this anyways we made it this was the breakfast menu we didn’t order anything because it was just gonna be a 2 hours flight to Oman and we already had something earlier I decided to watch this Jim Carrey’s classic I Love You that’s Azlan and he was watching the Scooby Doo season Azlan gets so excited during takeoff we watched a little bit of the movie and before we even knew it it was time to land Azlan went shopping as soon as we landed at Muscat Airport this oh look at that this time we wasted no time and headed straight to the lounge we weren’t very hungry but we still had to check out the food and let’s go get some food because we have to go again we got some cakes juice and tea but these were the other options they have French toast cheese omelette chicken liver scrambled eggs corn fritters are you ready to head to Thailand I am this time we were not late we didn’t even stay in the lounge for too long I didn’t want to take any chances because I don’t know Muscat Airport too well so I was like let’s just go towards the gate we couldn’t wait for summer vacation this year and then we were just counting our days to leave and we always travel with family so I’m super excited for this mom and son some trip good morning we boarded quite early so we were just chilling and then we made this TikTok every time we fly Azlan doesn’t like to wait for takeoff and he’ll get himself comfortable with his mattress his blanket and then we have to fold everything back again for takeoff I wasn’t finding anything good to watch and this was the menu finally we took off I got Azlan this airport activity book this was such a good one he didn’t even watch any TV it was a long flight so we made some what’s in my bag TikToks because why not a lot of people went to sleep because it was so early in the morning but we were ready for some food so for appetizers we both got the Arabic Mezze Azlan isn’t the biggest fan of Arabic Mezze so he made me try first but but honestly it was pretty good for mains we got this poached fish and the vegetable tortellini the fish turned out to be not good at all so we didn’t eat that me and Azlan shared this vegetable tortellini and this was really really good it was like a 9 out of 10 I love that these windows have this switch that can make it look like it’s night time outside and then for dessert we have this chocolate cake cake was really good it was a 9 out of 10 our flight attendant was so nice she took some pictures for us then I surprised Azlan with some new SpongeBob toys he’s crazy about SpongeBob so he loved it we were both very tired by now and we both needed to get some rest I was waiting for Azlan to fall asleep once he fell asleep I also made my bed watched this movie for a little while and I fell asleep right after I started this other movie slept throughout the rest of the flight woke up just before landing Azlan was still asleep we’re landing may I have some water from you side thank you please ignore my state it was such a long flight but finally we were in Thailand we could see Bangkok finally we checked into our hotel Azlan made a postcard to send the family we ordered some room service and that was our flight thank you for watching love you guys