Unemployment Adventures: Begging for My Job Back – A Tale of Tail-between-Legs

So the other day, I parted ways with my 9 to 5. I literally just said, you can’t. Cutting that whole part out. No, no, no. It was mutual. We parted ways with the 9 to 5 company that I’ve been working for. And immediately after, I didn’t call my mom, I didn’t call my dad. I called Travis, who didn’t pick up the phone. He actually declined the call. So I drove here, and you can just roll the clip, park the car, and had to come in with my tail in between my legs and beg for my job back again for probably the 10th time. So I get get to work, I pull up, I see a car, like, sideways, all dented up, and I see Emma sitting at the picnic table. Then I stopped as soon as I heard what happened. Then she follows me into the restaurant and continues to tell me why we should still keep hiring her back. But that was my day. That’s how I started my day. That day, I got a breakfast sandwich, and he said, are you gonna bring that in? With what money? I don’t have a job. I am unemployed. So I did not bring in the sandwich.