Bringing Home Our Micro Preemie Twins: A Journey of Hope, Preparation, and Gratitude

our micro preemie twins were born 100 days early after 105 days in the NICU the twins are finally ready to come home first thing I did which I was really excited to do was finally wash their outfits to come home in I didn’t really wanna get anything ready until I knew for sure they were coming home twins did come home on a minimal oxygen support even with minimal oxygen there are a lot of parts that go with this I also stocked our house with a ton of hand sanitizer put one in every single room of the house RSV seasons coming. we’re gonna be being very careful in our household especially with the twins coming home On oxygen – although we hope that that’s not gonna last very long also put together some diaper caddies one for upstairs and one for downstairs all the regular baby stuff plus all the things they need for their oxygen and I told you guys that we got Doonas- but we decided to ditch that idea literally on the day of discharge bought this Graco stroller the double stroller that is compatible with Newborn car seats so one of the nurses suggested to us that it might be crazy to put around to do not supposed to carry my toddler around anyways I hung out with my son a little bit we headed over to the NICU to pick up our kids before we could pick up the kids we actually wanted to take this little CPR class this is special CPR class not a certified CPR class but a class specifically for infants I hope we never have to use this information but it was good to have. We packed up all of their stuff in the NICU went over their discharge information which was a lot of information some up to the Pulse ox machines them to their portable oxygen which we had a lot of classes on them into their coming home outfits in little bonnet then we brought them home I am so thankful for all of your guys prayers and support during this time. we are so incredibly grateful have everybody home together