20 Weeks Pregnant: Halfway There and Feeling Fabulous

Guys, I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I just hit 20 weeks of being pregnant. That means we are halfway there to meeting baby girl. And I am grateful to say that I have been feeling mostly normal, and sometimes I’m like, oh, my goodness, those 20 weeks have gone by so fast. And then I sometimes I’m like, wait, actually, maybe it hasn’t come by that fast. But either way, I’m very excited. And I did wake up with my hair feeling a little bit crusty, so I wanted to put it back in something that was kind of messy looking, and I realized I hadn’t done this braid in a minute. This is, like, one of my most viral braid hairstyles that I do like faux braid hairstyles. Also, happy September 1st. This dress was giving, like, kind of summer, kind of fall, so I thought it’d be a good fit. Sam and I didn’t have any really big plans for Labor Day weekend we’re actually planning our baby moon for the end of this month, which I’m so excited about. So if you wanna take your guesses on where we’re going to go ahead. Also, getting ready when you already have your lash extensions on is the best thing in the world. Anyways, did some finishing touches, popped out the earrings, and here is the final result of the hair. I love how it turned out, and I thought the bow was a fun little accessory. And Here is the full look of the dress. Happy Sunday