Teacher’s New Year Prep: Grocery List and Meal Planning for a Busy Week

Summer break is over. As a teacher, the New Year has started for me. This is basically my January. We need to prep a little bit. I need to fill the gas tank, which I’ve been on empty for like 3 days cause I haven’t been driving anywhere. But I put $50 in, I filled it up. Step 1, done. Here’s my cute little purse for fall. Now onto the important part. This is my grocery list. We’re gonna do a feta and egg single serve bake and then a Greek chicken rice single serve bake as well. And of course I cannot find a loonie for the cart, only a toonie, but I was lucky because I found this one so I didn’t need it. Anyway, starting right at the produce, knocking some stuff off the list. Grab some mushrooms. The spinach was not looking very good so we passed on it and then red onion for both of my breakfast and my lunch. We subbed for yellow peppers cause they were cheaper than the other ones and then grab some strawberries. Now onto the feta cheese, which I already know is gonna be expensive so of course, yes, it’s very expensive. So I grabbed this one. I think it was $7. This will be more than enough and it was $9 for my lunches but when chicken in a can is on sale, grab that instead cause it’s usually a lot cheaper. Onto the recipes, grab some yogurt and Then these single serves are just for my lunches. And then I grab some egg whites as well because that is part of the recipe to some no name chicken broth obviously cause it’s cheaper. Some garlic Jasmine rice. And don’t judge me for getting these. These have been like my fixation lately. Super happy cause I stuck to my list. No impulse buys. Here is what a week of breakfast and lunches is gonna look like and it came to $65. Let me know if you wanna see the prep of these meals as well.