Exploring the Trailer Park: A Sunday Morning Adventure

Good morning. Good morning, people. How we doing today on this lovely Sunday morning? Just, uh, took some garbage to the dump over there. This is actually the spot where we park our cars. All the market people that come on Wednesdays and Saturdays, this is where they park. I’m just making my way down to the trailer now, so I’m just gonna show you guys exactly where the trailer is. So I do understand some of you, um, use bus as a way of transport, and if that is the case, I’m on the high street now, so let me flip the camera. My trailer is that green box just over there. And the closest bus stop, it’s just here. And this is where all the buses park. Got the 2, 3, 4, and there is a spy trailer, guys. So let’s walk over there. So the first thing you’ll notice as you’re coming up to the barn, it spies the back entrance is, um, there’s a waitress and partner just, um, opposite of the trailer. I will now just turn the camera. Here is the trailer, guys. So, yeah, thank you for watching. If you do fancy coming down, we’ve always got plenty of spuds ready, and we’ve been doing double the amount of preparation as things are starting to really pick up now. Um, and, yeah, guys, just, uh, gonna carry on with the preparation and open up for 11:30, guys. Peace out.