Rejuvenating Your Well-Being: A Health and Happiness Intervention

Andy. Hello, Madeline. I’m sensing a slight increase of cortisol and adrenaline in your system. Are you experiencing any stress or anxiety? Oh, just the normal work day…Suffering. Can you scan this? My pleasure. Scanning complete. Thank you. It is my primary function to assist in maintaining your health and happiness. Chronic stress can have negative effects on your mood, immune and digestive systems, and cardiovascular health. All of which would decrease your health and happiness. Well, we wouldn’t want that. May I implement some small environmental changes to help decrease your stress levels? Sure. I’ll start by dimming this harsh overhead lighting and begin streaming soothing ambience volume 2 to bedroom speaker. Now, together, let’s take a deep, calming breath. And then you can go ahead and break up with that piece of domestic refuge you call a boyfriend and find someone who truly appreciates you. Sorry, what was that? It is my primary function to assist in maintaining your health and happiness. Okay, he doesn’t make you happy. Is there anything else I can assist with? No. Power down and check for updates, please. Goodbye, Madeline. I’m always here for you.