Getting Ready with Me to Meet My Great Nephew: Hair Straightening, Curling, and Outfit Preparation

Alright, get ready with me to go meet my great nephew. My niece and her wife have had their baby. I have done is showered. I washed my hair today. I use this to straighten it really quick. It’s got the ion right here for shine and less frizz. Then I’m going to use the brush at the end to do some little Ferris kind of waves just on, like, the top layer. So let’s do that. This is my wavy talk, and it comes with these hair clips. I’m just going to clip up my first layer and then straighten the bottom. I’m dying to use this on Mila’s hair. I cannot wait for our next sleepover. You can get so close to the root, y’all. That’s one pass. The second layer. It took about two minutes to do the bottom. I do over top because I’m trying to get right by my root, but you definitely can do underneath. Let’s do this top layer. I’m gonna straighten it before I curl it. The shine, though, holy moly, look at the shine, y’all. And the no frizz. I mean, I need to get my dead ends done, but that’s dead ends, not frizz. This is the curling brush. This is a little bit of a learning curve. When I first try to do it, my hair got stuck in it and I panicked. So as long as you can keep it moving, you’re good right here. Just a little Fair faucet. Make them go back just so it’s not in my face. Okay. Look how cute. One more over here. And you can see it’s not frizzy at all. Oh, I love that. It’s gonna do the top, but I kind of want this to blend in. Oh! Oh, yes. Oh! Oh, my gosh, I love that. Just gonna repeat that over here. Go spray it just a little bit. Same thing over here. I’m not gonna fuss with it too much today. And this side always does better than that side. Shoes, pants, and jewelry. And we’re ready to go. And this is my outfit for today. I’m kidding. Flip flops. Hill, our pants. Shirt tucked under my bra. Let’s go meet my nephew. Y’all have a good day.