European Adventures: A Break from Work, Family Reunion in Bulgaria, and Authentic Content Creation

It’s time to take a little break from work, the US and my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I love all three. But my PTO hours are adding up and it’s getting a little embarrassing. I don’t wanna be that girl that’s left with all the PTO hours. At the end of the year I’m actually flying home to Bulgaria to visit my family and my husband can’t come because he’s got classes. Trust me, he would love to come if he could. Now, I didn’t say I’m taking a break from content creation. In fact, I plan on making a lot of videos because I wanna show you a different side of Europe. I promise you won’t see a single croissant or luxury hotel because that’s not how most Europeans live day to day. My family lives in a small Eastern European village. And how often do you see videos about that? Probably not a whole lot. But until then I’ll be stuck on a 13 hour flight. And one thing about me is that I hate lying. I’m not scared or anything, I just find the whole experience uncomfortable. But in the meantime, I’d love to know what you’re curious about or what you want to see. Because at the end of the day, I make these videos for you.