Analyzing the Disappointing Adaptation of ‘It Ends With Us’: A Deeper Look at the Missed Opportunities in Portraying Domestic Violence on Screen

hey so they didn’t lie about “it ends with us” I was hoping because of all the negativity around the film that people were just being extra hard on it but no that movie was like the Kidz Bop version of your favorite song like you can still get down to it don’t get me wrong but it’s been watered down a lot to make it palatable to everybody and while that might work for the bigger audience for me personally if you’re gonna make a movie about DV do the thing no diluting no tiptoeing no blurred lines and an example of that is that very first infraction with Ryle which shot in such a way that it’s disorienting and fast and you don’t even really know what happened like did was that an accident? none of the actors in the film really nailed their part so I don’t want people to think I’m coming down extra hard on Blake Lively but the biggest mistake for me and what was missing was just the essence of Lily Bloom something I really liked about the book was the way it made me rethink my own stereotypes about DV how it progresses l, why people stay book Lily recognized the abuse from the very beginning and said if you ever put your hands on me again it’s over she was never unclear or confused about the fact that Ryle was hurting her it was his manipulation of her after the fact and made a perfectly capable smart and aware woman decide I’m gonna give you one more chance this is completely lost in the film when they decide to portray Lily as somebody who doesn’t have a good grasp on what’s happening to her was it an accident? did I fall? the book describes somebody strong in their conviction getting worn down to the point that they are accepting the unacceptable “every incident chips away at your limit” and that’s what made her final decision about Ryle so impactful to me my interpretation of the book was it was a story about breaking generational cycles which is powerful and relatable to so many people but unfortunately I feel like was totally lost in the film and yes the outfits were kinda ugly too