Weekly Watch Recap: From Spider-Man to Shrek and Everything In Between

What have I watched this week? Welcome to Weekly Watch Reviews, a weekly series whereby I give you a very quick recap of everything I’ve watched this week. This will include the latest releases, some timeless classics, and some TV shows and everything else, so make sure to stick around so you know what to watch and what to miss. And don’t forget to hit that follow button for more reviews and recommendations! Make sure to follow the label box so you don’t miss out on anything I’ve watched. I started off this week with one of the most underrated films in the Spider Man universe, The Amazing Spider Man. This film is not talked about enough, and the casting of Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are just perfect. This was on TV? I could not pass up the opportunity to watch this again. Such a heartfelt and enjoyable film, and it’s one of the best film from the year I was born. We got another 2024 release with incoming and for some reason this is being compared to Superbad and it’s just not even on the level. Nowhere even near the level. We had some enjoyable moments. Mason Times was great. It’s just a very bog standard party film. With Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice coming out next week, I had to watch for the first time Beetlejuice and I was actually quite underwhelmed with what I watched. There were some great moments and the special effects were really, really enjoyable, but The fact we didn’t even get Michael Keaton until like halfway through the film felt very disappointed for me. Who doesn’t love a bit of South Park? The end of obesity was so enjoyable. It’s on Paramount plus, if you haven’t watched it, go and give it a watch. And then I finished off this week with Shrek the third and Shrek Forever after. Both massively underrated, really enjoyable. I can’t wait for Shrek 5. What have you watched this week? Let me know in the comments and be sure to come back next week for more weekly watch reviews!