Title: Absurd Comedy Sales Pitch for High-Tech Sneakers

Bye hey good evening, but what the fuck are you doing here? Ah eh I’m here to sell you these beautiful shoes. No look that is the completely orange Purple sole. Sorry but you Chi 6 you mica work here at Who stole the car oh oh oh oh but 6 you the real one but what problems You have? Want a baby shoe OK then I can recommend. Either on pic the new Andrew Wiggins 2 with carbon fiber on the medial part, on the vampiede on the heel area with 2 cushioning foams or on Adidas the new Arden 8. This is to go to the ring road, I don’t care anymore, I don’t want to be either the first or the guard, I want to play like a friend of mine Nicola da Centro you laugh at my shoes from Centro and OK, now let’s see which ones are fast since then from Centro you can’t go wrong. A g 4 soa with shock absorber in quick tech foam and support on carbon fiber plantar arch. But how good is the g 4 risen.