Unraveling the Fabric of Deceit: The Web of Lies Surrounding Tim Walz

this just in Tim Walz has had more disgusting lies come to the surface Tim Walz said peace out Girl Scout to his daughter Hope but Fox News is reporting that Hope was never a Girl Scout at the grocery store last week Tim Walz claimed that an item that wouldn’t scan was free but in reality the item was regular price Tim Walz then told another lie during that same trip when he passed the grocery cart to another shopper and claimed that it was all gassed up even though grocery carts don’t run on gas last year Tim Walz told everyone that he was 59 but this year he’s flip flopped and has been telling everybody he’s 60 in March of this year Tim Walz claimed that the Easter Bunny hid a bunch of eggs in his yard but video evidence from that day shows that it was actually Tim Walz himself at the end of his last rally Tim Walz claimed another day another dollar but independent fact checkers have found out that Tim Walz makes significantly more than $1 per day Tim Walz recently claimed that he had all of his ducks in a row but actually it turns out he’s never owned any ducks it’s just one lie after another with Tim Walz as always if you know of any other lies that Tim Walz has told please let me know in the comments so I can report on them in future videos