Title: Revelations of Tim Walz’s MAGA-Supporting Brother Stir Political Controversy in Florida

this weekend the right has been very very excited because they just discovered that Tim Walz has an older brother named Jeff who supports Donald Trump literally donated to his campaign in 2016 and doesn’t like Tim Walz and they’re like by George we’ve got him this is the thing that will take him down for sure so his brother Jeff made this post on Facebook the day that Donald Trump was indicted and then Laura Loomer I apologize I should have put a jump scare Laura Loomer has recently found it and then told people about him all these people are encouraging him to come out and speak out against him walls and he’s like I’ve been considering it he hasn’t spoken to me in eight years he didn’t even tell us that he was selected as the VP and find out about it in the news I would be open to publicly endorsing Donald Trump at president if he wanted me to so I had to go see this guy’s Facebook for myself and I’m not shocked to find he’s the kind of person who would fall for this kind of shit copy and paste this you won’t see ads on your Facebook anymore that and he’s from Florida so allow me to quickly recap Tim Walz has an older shithead MAGA supporting brother who he probably for many other reasons hasn’t spoken to in eight years and then this guy comes crawling out of the woodwork to leach off of his brother’s success and see if he can’t you know hang out with Donald Trump all while falling for bullshit on Facebook and living in Florida and you think this hurts Tim Walz I didn’t think I could relate more to this guy this guy is all of us every week I receive messages from people who are like I lost my family to MAGA mothers fathers brothers sisters aunts uncles cousins across the board I can’t follow them on Facebook anymore I can’t talk to them on the phone I can’t sit across them at a dinner table because they just spew horrible racist bigoted Qanon bullshit and I’m like yeah same like my family always had big family dinners a couple of matriarchs who passed away and the people who were left eh muted them on Facebook and I haven’t been to a big family dinner in like five years and Tim Wallace is experiencing the same thing how relatable can this guy be this is what we all have to deal with he understands so many things that the average American person goes through because he experiences it himself so go ahead and put it out there uh you’re not hurting Tim Walz