A Journey Down Under: Exploring Australia Through the Eyes of a Traveler

Hey guys, come travel with me to Australia. This is me on my way to the airport. My parents are dropping me off. I’m drinking a hydration drink that had ashwagandha or something. I was feeling nervous, which is so weird cause I’m not a nervous flyer. But then the sunset was pretty and I arrived at LAX and we got all of my bags together. I am leaving back on tour today and I had to say bye to my parents. I actually always get really sad cause I do live at home with them and I love them so much, but I’m so excited to be here. I checked in, my bag was actually surprisingly barely overweight. So I got pretty lucky this time. Um, but I ran into all my friends and it’s so exciting being back with everyone. Literally, it makes me so happy. Then I did TSA Precheck. That was super easy. And you guys, I was filming this. I don’t know how people always do this because then literally the girls yelling at me. She’s like, your phone? So then I had to throw it in another bin. And then at this point, I was already sweating, so that’s just great. Then we sat down and I had a little glass of wine and some burrata. This is like one of my favorite all time. I don’t even know favorite snacks. Just cheese. Come on, you can’t go wrong with cheese and bread. Always. Perfect pre flight snack. I could eat this every single day. We were all just catching up and hanging out. Then Isaac got there as well, and it was just so much fun being back with the crew. I literally am smiling back as I’m recording this right now. We cheers for our final time before boarding the flight. I got some snacks. Cheeses are a must. I cannot fly without my cheeses. And then I already broke into my chocolate snacks cause we had a red eye. So it was ten PM at this point and we’re boarding and it is a double decker. Sadly, we are not on the double decker up at the top, we are in the very back. The lady was like, oh, just keep on going down the aisle just a bit further. I was like, awesome. So this flight was 15 hours, and I just slept for about 10 of them, which is amazing. I didn’t think I was gonna sleep that much. Then I wanted to try one of these viral masks, and I don’t know how people sleep in them for like 10 hours, but apparently that’s what you’re supposed to do. I only got mine on for like four hours, um, but I still think I did it wrong. Apparently you’re supposed to put the bottom one on first, but I didn’t. And then I woke up after like one hour and the whole thing is like in your face. It was kind of cool how that happened. I ate some fruit for breakfast and then I’m still just like freaking out about my mask. My skin did look like glass though, so it was definitely worth keeping it on for four hours. Look at that shine. And you can’t really tell in that light, but that was it. We had one hour left and I was so excited to get off this plane. I ate some Cheez its for our final couple of minutes. And here is me looking way more excited because we landed and then we went through customs and we all got our bags. This is my least favorite part. The bags are here. Thank goodness the bags made it safely. I have no idea what I was saying there, but I was definitely happy and yelling of some sort. We are in Melbourne and we are off now. It is freezing actually outside. I ate more snacks and it ended up being so windy. Um, good thing I packed a jacket, but definitely should have brought a winter coat. This is our bus. We are heading now to the hotel. Now we are heading to the hotel. It should only be like a 30 minute drive, but we are standing outside so we are freezing. Wow. Look so pretty, so happy. I traveled 15 hours and then it was so windy and I look like a mess, but we made it to the hotel and Here I am getting to my room. Thanks so much for watching my travel day. See you guys. Bye.