American Experiencing Reverse Culture Shock: The Impact of Living in Australia and UK

this is the same person who made a video comparing Australian eggs to American eggs she was caught liking comments by her Australian followers that were saying things like “American eggs are only white because Americans bleach their eggshells” a bloxcast already took care of that situation teaching them all about varieties of eggs how eggs don’t need to be bleached for them to be white but now to get on topic American experiencing reverse culture shock welcome to the series where I tell you what shocks me now as an American back in America I lived in Australia for six years the loud talking now I would have taken this person a little bit more seriously if the egg thing didn’t happen but to add on to that I would have taken this person a little bit more seriously if they lived in like Germany or Japan you know places where the people are known to be quiet another backstory she lived in Australia for six years and now she’s living in the UK two groups of people who are not known for being quiet actually quite the opposite loud talking is also a part of their culture so what reverse culture shock are you speaking of