Farewell to My Room: A Bittersweet Final Get Ready with Me

Get ready with me for the last time everyone say goodbye to the room. I actually cannot believe we made it down to the final get ready with me. Like this is such a bittersweet moment. It’s not the last get ready with me ever. It’s just the last one in my room. But also I’m announcing something really exciting tomorrow and I already pre filmed the video in my room. So you’re still gonna see another video of my room tomorrow. But it’s not a get ready with me and I’m still leaving tonight. So today is still the final get ready with me. A lot of you guys actually already guessed what the announcement is gonna be, but not revealing until tomorrow. But guys I can’t believe we made it this far together. Like sometimes I watch my videos from the very beginning and I just watch my own like evolution and different eras that I’ve had. It’s just so crazy to me that I’m now actually moving to New York City, especially because if you follow me for a while, you know I’ve been in love with the city for so long and I’m every time I go back, I’m like I’m gonna move here one day and it’s literally all thanks to you guys. Like none of this would have been even remotely possible if it wasn’t for any of you. But genuinely thank you all for having interest in my life and for watching me do My thing on the internet, I’m thinking of doing another. I used to do so much in the past until someone like completely ruined it for me. I genuinely love watching you guys like receive the package and unbox it. It is so cute. Anyways, I already have one coming up that I’m doing with a brand that I love so much and that you guys are gonna love and it includes a certain bag that you guys would die and it also includes like bedazzled stuff. Anyways, I’m spoiling way too much. I still cannot believe I’m leaving this room. Like literally a year ago before all of this happened, before social media and everything, I never thought I would be able to move out of here. I genuinely thought I would be stuck here with like piles of student debt and working somewhere that I hated until I could save up enough money to move to New York. Like this is honestly your sign to just post the video that you’ve been wanting to post because haters are gonna hate like at the end of the day, who’s moving to New York? I’mma tell you right now, like people are gonna talk shit no matter what, whether you’re on social media or not, they’re still talking shit and it’s normal like you can’t stop that but you just gotta learn how to block out the noise. I’m going to the US Open tomorrow, which I’m still freaking out about with A brand that I love. I genuinely still can’t believe this is my life sometimes. Like it’s crazy. I ripped out my lashes the other day and I’m actually so mad because this is not the week to have bad lashes. There’s just too much going on. Okay, guys, I think I’m done. Oh, my gosh. This is so freaking sad. I love you guys so much and I’ll see you guys in New York. Bye for the last time here.