Unexpected Discovery at the Laundromat: Gold Plated Quarters and Hidden Treasures

Seven and a half load on average. Laundromat take the least amount of money on the dryers because they’re priced so low. As I was collecting the money from the dryers, I saw some gold coins in there. So I picked them up and this is what I found. They’re basically gold plated quarters. If you guys know anything about these, please let me know. He’s right. These are gold plated quarters. And most of the time it’s only that and nothing else. And the regular gold plated quarter sell for about three dollars and fifty cents. But there is a slim chance one of these could be something else worth a fortune. This is where you would want to save this. This is the reference you’re gonna need. Look everyone. Doesn’t this look exactly like one of the gold plated quarters that he just found? Well, the back of this coin is a Sacagawea dollar Eagle. That reverse comes from one of these. This is what you saw. These are called mule errors that sell for over $100,000. Definitely something you would want to certify, which you do at PCGS com submission guide. There’s your form and step by step. All it takes is one of these to be that major error to completely change your life. So don’t forget to hit that like and follow.