Pressure and Perspective: A Culinary Adventure in Detroit

Sir. All the way from Detroit, man. Come a little closer to me. I’ll see that pressure, man. Oh, I got the pressure, too. Whole perspective. Yes, sir. Go ahead. Yes, sir. なんだかやちんですやちんです it’s good yes sir try with the sauce try with the sauce don’t be shy don’t be shy oh you gotta add you missing something you missing something you gotta add you gotta dip it in the sauce and dip on this hold on hold on hold on oh listen man no cap downtown if you ever come to Goochland come check out this guy food truck yes sir listen come holler at him you guys know I don’t allow my social life for real is definitely friends I stood in this line yes sir and I knew he was gonna sell out so I played for the skip the line so I can get my pressure back yeah so that’s what it is yes sir yes sir appreciate you man so much so oh my god man