Title: Remembering Lafayette: The Unforgettable Scene from True Blood

I would scroll on TikTok, you know, I like you do, and I came across one scene out of the TV series True Blood, if you haven’t seen it. So it depends on what you’re saying is, but it’s freaking amazing, guys. All right. It’s vampires, it’s werewolf, it’s witches, it’s mystical, it’s whatever.

Right, say, but one of my favorite characters in the show is Lafayette. And I’m sad to say that in real life, he actually passed away. I don’t know what his real name is. I’m sure I could Google it. But Lafayette was for sure my favorite character. Yeah, yeah, my favorite character. I was gonna say that I’ve got a top 3. But anyway, I want to share this clip that I found on TikTok. It’s my favorite scene with him in the entire TV series. So enjoy. You gotta watch the whole thing. Okay? Don’t get distracted. You gotta watch the whole thing.

Who ordered the hamburger with age? I ordered the Hamburger Deluxe. In this restaurant. A Hamburger Deluxe, come with French fries, lettuce, tomato, Mayo and eggs. Do anybody got a problem with that? Yeah, I’m an American and I gotta say. And who makes my food? My baby is too late for that. Been breeding your cows, raising your chickens, even brew and you’ll be alone before I walk my sexy up in this mother, everything on your table got age. You still ain’t making me eat no AIDS burger. Well, all you gotta do is say, hold the eggs here, eat it. Oh, you come in my house, you don’t eat my food the way out. And Mike, do you understand me?